IPO Conference формирует стратегический альянс с Investor Brand Network для расширения освещения в СМИ
New York, May 19, 2023 – IPO Conference, a leading global platform for Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and investment opportunities, is pleased to announce a

Конференция IPO — жертва своего успеха
november 2023 dates, pushed to September 24th, 25th and 26th, 2024 New York, NY – The organizers of the IPO Conference event have announced a

Конференция IPO становится виртуальной в Метавселенной!
Thanks to its collaboration with Roomful and Avraham Shtaygrud, it will become the first event of its kind to take place both physically in New

Швейцарские финансисты запустят первый в истории каскад первичных публичных предложений (IPO) на предстоящей IPO Conference!
Swiss Financiers, the leading Swiss IPO incubator, announced today that it will launch the first ever cascade of initial public offerings (IPOs) at the upcoming

Основные докладчики
The IPO Conference organizers are thrilled to announce that three industry leaders have confirmed their attendance as keynote speakers: Christopher Toomey, Managing Director of Morgan

Список приглашенных спикеров
The following list of speakers was invited to the IPO Conference 2023 by the IPO Institute. Most of them are very hard to secure and

Конференция IPO проходит в конференц-центре Джейкоба К. Джавитса в Нью-Йорке.
The brothers Skender Djendoubi and Marc Deschenaux, representing The IPO Institute, Inc. did secure the best venue in New York to receive the IPO Conference:

IPO Institute launches IPO Conference series in strategic alliance with DHNP Consulting.
Today in New York, the IPO Institute and DHNP consulting Partners LLC forged a strategic alliance to launch a regular series of regional conferences branded